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HGCBT has three areas of focus in our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access efforts, as read in our DEIA strategic plan. The first is representation in artists, production staff, and board leadership. HGCBT recognizes the importance of having performers, volunteers, and leaders who are representative of the diverse audiences we serve. To progress these efforts, we are striving to build relationships with diverse members and BIPOC-owned organizations in our community.


The second area of focus is storytelling; As classical ballet originates from White-centric, Western-European culture, we strive to present this art form’s beauty while eliminating bias and cultural appropriation. Therefore, continued evaluation of balletic storytelling is critical. HGCBT is also actively seeking ways to usher in diversity in our dance vocabulary that is relatable to all community members. It is equally important that these stories are told and produced by a diverse group of people.


The third focus is our audience and propagation. HGCBT alongside striving for a non-homogenous audience recognizes that art should not be limited to those who can afford it. Forging methods for underserved, marginalized community members to attend our performances is imperative. By providing financial access to attend, these inspiring, transformative, and thought-provoking performances could be life-changing to a child who longs to be on the stage or help behind the scenes.

Hope Garden Children's Ballet Theatre

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